Thursday, January 14, 2021

Round 1 Done

Disclaimer: Not Horse Related

 I got my first COVID-19 vaccine yesterday! Monday, the director of my department at work sent out an email saying that the Oregon Vet Med Association had petitioned the Oregon Health Authority to classify people working in vet med to be included in Phase 1A of vaccine distribution. And the OHA agreed. 

Now, I don't work in traditional vet med, but I'm an essential employee caring of animals and perform a lot of the same tasks that vet techs and vet assistants do. My director contacted OVMA to specifically ask about us lab animal techs, and they said we were included in Phase 1A. So she forwarded us the info and about two minutes after reading the email I was signing up for my vaccine appointment. 

For my insurance, the only site giving vaccines for vet med workers was a hospital 45mins away. But whatever, I'm happy to drive that to get the vaccine. It turns out that two of my coworkers also signed up for appointments within 5 minutes of me, so the three of us carpooled. We did wear masks the whole time, but we've been working together during the whole pandemic and figured we're in each others bubbles enough that it was ok. 

The shot itself was quick and easy. I did have a slight burning sensation, and they made us sit around for 15mins afterwards to make sure no one had any severe reactions. My arm was sore last night, and this morning, but some Tylenol and it's fine. Hopefully I won't have any other reactions when I get dose 2 in three weeks.