Had a lesson with Buddy yesterday morning, the first lesson on him in 2 months, I think? I had been trying to get one in sooner, but my availability never meshed with my trainer's. Since we haven't been jumping much lately (the last time I jumped him was on New Year's Day) I was bit worried how we would do. With our clinic next weekend I been feeling like we aren't prepared.
Our lesson was first thing in the morning and usually Buddy can be crabby when I pull him away from his breakfast. I shouldn't have worried he was excited and forward, ready to go. We worked on transitions and at one point I asked for a trot from the halt and he lifted into a beautiful round, soft canter. Trainer said to just go with it as it was one of the nicest transitions she's seen him do. Even our trot warm up fences were good. He was jumping them nicely and cantering away quietly. Normally he either just trots the fence without jumping, or kinda hurls himself over.
Oregon State, fight fight fight! |
We moved on to figure 8ing a couple diagonal fences and while he was forward and going, he was pretty stiff to the right. Had to do a few circles in front of the right-to-left fence to get him thinking right bend before jumping it. Once he was bending I could see our distance and the fence flowed easily.
Turning into speed racer here.
From there we added an outside line, a five going uphill. I tend to have to ride him more forward to these lines since he looses impulsion going up the hi. Not today! I just had to make sure he was bending right and soft and it worked. The third time thru, for whatever reason, he decided to turn into speed racer and completely blew through my hands. Got way deep to the first fence, pulling the rail, and galloped down the line. Also got way deep to the second fence, pulling not just the rail but one of the standards down too. Trainer rolled out the ground lines in an attempt to back him off the fences and we tried again. He learned his lesson and when I half halted he waited and did the line like a normal horse.
RIP Zipper |
We finished off doing some rollback turns over the diagonal fences and an outside Swedish oxer. Buddy was still going strong and I was starting to pick at him a bit so we worked on being soft and riding the forward pace. It was such a change from how he normally is that it threw me a bit, but I liked it.
About halfway thru the lesson I felt a pop on my calf then started hearing a flapping noise. During a walk break I looked down and saw that my left boot (
the one that lost it's zipper tab this summer) had split and my boot was wide open. The only thing holding it on was the tab on the top. Trainer asked if I wanted to stop but I said no, it would be a good calf exercise to try and hold it on! Now I just have to decide if spending $100 on a new zipper for an 8yr old boot that only cost $200 to begin with is worth it or if I should just get new boots.