Monday, May 16, 2022

State of Cinder

 First off, happy fifth birthday Cinder!! 

We hauled up last Sunday for our second lesson/pro-ride with potential new trainer (who will go by Trainer M). Cinder was both better and worse for her. Better in that she was a little more relaxed at the barn and with M on her, but worse in that she tested M more and was very slightly off. M said it felt like the right hind, which has always been Cinder's weaker leg. 

Still super tense with M up, but not quite as giraffe like as the previous week

They did walk/trot/canter each way and Cinder had a bit of a hissy fit about picking up her left lead. I was slightly frustrated and embarrassed about bringing a naughty horse into the barn, but M handled it well and was very complimentary of Cinder. I ended up getting on for the last 15 minutes and while still tense for me, Cinder did relax and go around quietly. I did feel what M felt in regards to the hind right and made a plan to haul Cinder up on the following Wednesday to see M's vet. 

Cinder no want to canter on her left lead

M's barn is out of my regular vet's area, and M's vet is there almost weekly so when Cinder moves in she'll be seeing M's vet anyway. Might as well see her for this lameness. And she also does chiro and Cinder was due for an adjustment. I really, really liked M's vet. She was incredibly thorough, and we ended up doing flexions and radiographs of both hind hocks and stifles. The left hock and stifle looked great, but the right hock has a small area of concern. We decided to do a round of Adequan and if that doesn't help, we'll discuss injections. Thankfully its mild, and we caught it early, so hopefully the Adequan does the trick. For now Cinder's hanging out in the pasture at home, and once we're towards the end of the Adequan series I'll start hauling back to M's for lesson or they'll have a stall open up and we'll move in.


  1. Hopefully the Adequan gets her feeling great! Sounds like Trainer M might be a good fit for you guys!

  2. Ooof hock injections at 5. I hope you don't have to go that route, fingers crossed the Adequan does the trick.
