Thursday, March 12, 2020

Now We're Getting Somewhere

Thanks to daylight savings and my trainer leaving her real job earlier, my lesson on Monday was held during daylight hours and Peebs didn't think it was dinner time yet. Which means we had a normal Peebers and a great lesson.

I had had a not so great ride the day before, then realized I hadn't eaten all day and was middle of a sugar crash and ended the ride prematurely. I had been holding and holding on Peebs while we were trying to jump and just couldn't keep him going (holding onto the reins for deal life will do that) and I told my trainer at the start of the lesson about it and how I was trying to not let one bad ride get in my head. A and I had also reset the course and I was nervous about how I set the outside five stride line and how it really rattled me the day before. Trainer helpfully lowered the second fence in the line so it didn't look as big or intimidating.

We warmed up of a couple of single crossrails, then was told to trot the two stride. I clarified and asked if she wanted me to get three since we were trotting in and was told no, trot in and trot out of the two. We got it done, but it wasn't pretty.  I half halted so hard over the first fence poor Peebs literally paused mid jump and landed in a very inelegant heap but gamely trotted the second fence. The second time around Peebs knew what was coming and decided to just trot over the first fence and not even attempt to actually jump it.

We then moved onto the five stride and started by trotting in. It was an easy six and I realized I had been making way harder in my head than it actually was. Peebs did want to drift out on our approach, but otherwise it was rode really well. The second time through we cantered in and again, it was an easy five. Trainer then put up the second fence and told me nothing changes. And I was actually able to do nothing and let the five come. I then got really bold and asked if she could make it an oxer and she agreed as long as I didn't change anything again. Peebs was starting to get tired by this point and I needed to add a little leg coming into the line, but I was proud of myself for not adding too much and trying to gun it to the oxer. We quit with that one.

 It was so nice to finally have a lesson were it feels like we're making progress instead of just spinning our wheels.  We have another lesson next week, then if it doesn't get cancelled, our first show of the season next Sunday. It's at a new to us venue that is a dressage barn/show facility but is starting to venture in to h/j shows. The plan is to do some 2'-2'3" classes and a 2' derby and then hopefully we'll be ready for the 2'6" in April.

1 comment:

  1. It's crazy how when we are younger its easier to muscle through things like sugar crashes and what not but the older we get its a fine and perfect balance that needs to be struck. Like for me I totally need to be well slept and awake haha.
