Thursday, April 30, 2020

Reflections: SIP April 2020

 I'm stealing this idea from L and doing my own mini bloghop version.

This is from last year, but the same thing is going on this year. The ponies, except Peebs, are transitioning onto the summer pasture while Peebs hangs out in the grazed down winter paddock till the summer pasture gets grazed down a bit.

Loving: The fact that work is empty and my boss is working from home now and I'm all alone at work. My introvert soul is so happy!
Smelling: Cow shit from the dairy down the road.
Learning: Working on the HQC course material (join L and I if you want to get your H/J knowledge on!)
Writing: Blogs

Reading: The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune
Watching: Never Have I Ever
Craving: Chicken Alfredo and Garlic Bread from one of the bars in town that's closed due to the virus. Also, just going out to eat with friends!
Obsessing: Over what to do with Cinder
Wishing: I could be with my parents
Needing: Something I'm not quite ready to talk about yet
Wanting: A new horse trailer. The trailer I really want hasn't dropped in price, even though a lot of others have.
Trying:  FitOn workout app
Eating: Takeout to support my local restaurants. Bonus, I've found a new Italian place that's amazing
Drinking:  Water and Coffee and Lemonade
Feeling: Slightly worried. My dad got some (not virus) medical news and I really, really wish I was physically closer to my parents. Being 1,000 miles (an in a different country) from them really sucks sometimes.
Hoping: Things fall into place soon
Listening: Lots of happy/upbeat songs on Spotify. Bonus to work being a ghost town, no one to see me get my dance on!
Clicking: Watching webinars on compassion fatigue, technology in the vivarium, and new and novel ways to deal with work-related issues during a pandemic. I'm lucky that my professional organization has been making a bunch of these free and that my work will let me watch on company time.


  1. Ooopphhh, hope your dad and family is going to be ok :(

  2. Ooh I like this idea...

    thinking of your dad and family...

  3. Sorry for the concerning news about your dad. Hope everything will be okay!
