Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Happy First Birthday Cinder

Cinder turns one today!!  I can't believe my baby's growing up.  I of course had to do a birthday photo shoot for her. 

The cashier at Party City congratulated me and I had to explain it was for a horse

She didn't care at all about wearing the sash, or the crown.

Or the banner.  *good lord is she awkward right now*

 I also managed to find some baby pics of her.  I can't believe how much she's grown.  She was so tiny!

Few hours old

Day three vs day 362


  1. Happy Birthday Cinder! She's getting so big!

  2. Those baby pictures are too cute!

  3. Happy birthday to Cinder! It's amazing how "brave" baby horses are. Why do they lose that when they grown up!?

    Also, I like your new header photo!

  4. Happy Birthday Cinder! And I like the redesign!

  5. Happy birthday Cinder! She looks so cute all dressed up. I randomly have some pictures from the day she was born, they're not the best quality (a little grainy and blurry) but I can send them to you if you want! I might even have some videos too. Email me at skybluequestrian at aol dot com if you'd like :)
