Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Looking Ahead

 The end of December and early January felt like we were in a bit of a holding pattern. Cinder made it obvious she needed a chiro appointment, but due to emergencies for our vet popping up either the day before or the day of all of her appointments, it kept getting pushed back. We kept riding, just doing light stretchy rides until one lesson two weeks ago when she absolutely COULD NOT canter left without feeling like she was going to launch me into the rafters. Thankfully Doc was able to work on her the next day and she feels so much better now. 

While this never happened under saddle, it felt like it could

Trainer M is super organized and has sent out the tentative 2025 show schedule as well as having a show team meeting day in a couple weeks where she spends 20mins with each of us to go over our goals and which shows we want to go to. So obviously I'm looking at our goals and what shows I can afford to go to, which ones I can kinda maybe scrimp and save to go to, and what I would do if I win the lottery. You know, normal equestrian things. 

For the second year in a row Cinder and I were third place in the OHJA Local System Long Stirrup Hunters. Still waiting for a few other year end awards to come in (ahem USHJA Outreach) for a full post

So, here's our tentative 2025 show plans: 

  •  Start off in the 2'3" and move up to the 2'6" hunters and eq
  • Qualify and compete in the OHJA 2'6' mini medal finals
  • Maybe do the  2'6" jr/am derby at one of the local rated shows
  • Do one or two rated shows this year
    • Possibly go up to TBird in May or July?????
  • Big wild goal: Qualify for the USHJA Adult Hunter Finals 
    • Even bigger wilder I need to win the lottery goal: Go to Thermal for the Adult Hunter Finals


  1. Ooooh i love the show plans!! Also love that your trainer sits down individually with each rider to talk through goals and hopes and dreams and all that — what an awesome support system! Wishing you luck (and perhaps a lottery windfall lol) to get it all accomplished!!

  2. Sigh. I miss being in a program. I love your goals!

  3. Oh I love this! Planning that far ahead terrifies me, but I do enjoy other people's plans! Glad Cinder is feeling better and ready to get started on those goals!

  4. Go get 'em! Your trainer is inspiring me to do the same...
