Why does life get in the way of everything? I've been so overwhelmed for the past week it's ridiculous. Except for a snowy trail ride (my first ride in the snow!) I haven't been able to ride in over two weeks. Come hell or high water I'm riding both Bud and McKenna today!
Last Wednesday I took a ride in the frozen, snow covered fields
with a couple other boarders. It was in the mid twenties and I couldn't feel my nose, ears, or toes by the end of the ride but it was awesome. We just walked around for about a half hour, and it was magical. Like something out of a movie.
What was once our summer gallop track between the pastures |
That beautiful sunset wasn't heating anything up |
It finally started thawing Friday and warmed up enough to start working the horses again. I lunged both Buddy and McKenna and they were wild. I had to work over the weekend and was only able to lung both of them Saturday and Sunday. My plan was to ride at least one of the them yesterday, but my barn owners are gone, so between chores and helping with the 4H ride I lost all my time and motivation to ride. But tonight's the night, especially since I have a lesson on McKenna tomorrow!
Life DOES get in the way, doesn't it? At least life allowed you the time to enjoy that beautiful sunset on horseback :)
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you know that I mailed your gift for the gift exchange yesterday so it should be there very soon!