Thursday, May 30, 2024

Walk it Out

 We are 5 weeks out from Cinder's colic, and 3 weeks into our tack walking rehab journey. For the most part I've been really proud of how Cinder has dealt with no turnout and limited exercise, but last week she started to come unhinged a bit. 

Last Monday she kept trying to take off as soon as I put my foot in the stirrup to mount, and I ended up asking assistant trainer M to hold Cin while I got on. We stood for a minute at the mounting block after I was on, until I felt Cinder sigh and realize she wasn't allowed to blast off. For the most part, the first 3-5mins of our walks have felt spicy, but usually Cinder settles down after that. 

Last Wednesday Trainer M rode and said Cin tried to buck her off twice, once at the beginning of the ride and once about half way through. The next day I had a little mini lesson with assistant trainer N, and once again I had her hold Cin while I got on. Cinder was actually super relaxed and we spent our 30mins mostly on the buckle working on getting her to move off my leg and me to use less hand, especially my inside hand. 

Cin got ridden Friday by Trainer M and was very good, and I rode Saturday during my normal lesson time. I don't know if it was the early morning, cooler temps, the fact that there were four horses in the ring, or some combination of all of the above, but Cin was LIT. She decided she absolutely could not turn left, she spooked at the stall cleaners starting up the four wheeler, then kept spooking at the open door of the indoor. She was doing a fantastic pogo stick imitation, bouncing up and down. I never felt like I was in danger of coming off, but it was obnoxious and annoying. Trainer M and I did discuss getting some drugs from the vet to help keep Cin's brain inside her head. 

Thankfully, Cinder was quieter Sunday and Monday, to the point where I was able to do the second half of our ride on Monday outside. She did spook a little at then neighbor kids screaming while playing in their pool, but that's fair because I'm also scared of screaming children. I was hoping she'd get seen by the vet yesterday, as Doc is usually at the barn on Wednesdays, and was really hoping we could start trotting, but I haven't heard anything yet. Her clot is no longer visible and while I'm not palpating the area hard, I can't feel it either. Fingers crossed we can start doing more work and/or she can start getting some turnout soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, tack walking is hard, especially when they can't turn out. I've had good luck with ace tabs for most of my rehabbers if needed. Except Pammon... He needed more. I hope you get a good report from the vet!
